Jesus Is a Codependent Read online
By Tim Ozman
1. Fear of Rejection
2. Golden Child vs. Scapegoat
3. Pathological Altruism
4. Moral Cannibal
5. Self-Denial
6. Saviors
7. Playing the Martyr for Sympathy
8. Model Citizen
God's narcissism is well documented. That his only begotten son Jesus would have become a codependent is no surprise. Having been fashioned in his father's image, molded to fit his father's expectations, he could be nothing but a reflection of his father. This imposition removed Jesus from his own life and personality, making him just an extension of his father.
Far from being “closer” to God, he was, in fact, a prisoner of his father’s overbearing personality.
Jesus is typical of codependents in that his warped concept of happiness only comes through self-denial; only when he lives up to his father's expectations is he free of anxiety. He lived a life of escapism, asceticism, and even nihilism, likely as an escape from an overbearing and omnipresent dad. He minimized himself to make room for dad.
This book explains why the character Jesus was made into a codependent, and furthermore why the creators of Jesus would want you to emulate him.
1. Fear of Rejection
"Father! Why have you forsaken me?"
The ultimate power of the narcissist is the power to reject; To cast their dependents out. Dependents will do what they must to survive, even if that means defending their captor. As the captor determines one's fate, so too does God, the ultimate captor decides your final destination.
The fear of rejection is what holds the captive in bondage. If captives could survive independently, they would not have this paralyzing emotional attachment. Instead, they would walk out.
Consider how many people hate their bosses, their parents, their spouses, and yet have no recourse but to obey.
God, being a narcissist, sets impossibly high expectations for his believers, knowing they will fail, and he can judge them accordingly. So long as they care what God thinks, they will be his puppets--or more accurately, the puppets of his appointed priesthood on Earth.
In the story, Jesus is brutally tortured, humiliated, and murdered. His last words were a plea to his father, who abandoned him. And true to form, the codependent believers will make excuses for God, saying that he did not abandon Jesus because he brought Jesus back. Codependents are known for making excuses for their abusers.
Bottom line: there is no excuse for passively watching as one's progeny get murdered by an unaccountable mob. There is no lesson to be learned here. This is abuse plain and simple. It's a story which communicates the message that one should not question God's lack of empathy.
To avoid being rejected by God, Jesus rejected the world and preached that others should do the same. Now, if everyone lived Jesus's life, there would be no children, as he died a virgin. The human race would go extinct, following Jesus to Heaven as surely as the Heaven's Gate cult-followed Larry Applegate to the comet Hale Bopp.
The son of God was entirely dependent upon his father's approval and got nothing out of it but a life of escapism, asceticism, and magical thinking. It was not until the final breath that he admitted to himself that his father was never there in the first place. The persona of the narcissist is a mask, it's words empty, it's promises, unfulfillable.
God will never accept you as you are; therefore, by accepting God's conditions, you are also accepting a lower status. The God construct is used to subjugate you within your mind. Becoming like Christ is to become a passive receptacle of God's will.
The believer replaces original thought with the mindless repetition of prayer and old scripture, or God's thoughts. Jesus lived a prayerful life, telepathically begging for approval, entirely dependent upon his father's so-called mercy.
2. Golden Child vs. Scapegoat
God's judgmental nature ensures that people take sides. With him or against, all are judged and categorized accordingly. Jesus presents us with the type of person God approves of.
To understand God's angry side and how to avoid it, we are presented with biblical accounts of sinners and their collective penalties, leading up to the arch-sinner himself Satan.
Satan chose independence, rejecting God's authority. If God is so great, then anyone rejecting him must, therefore, be wrong. This basic narrative reinforces the notion that independent minds are evil.
Narcissists always have a prime example to point to as evidence of their goodness. The act of scapegoating is an act of virtue signaling. Elevating oneself by denigrating others, or demonizing them, is one way to appear to be good, if only by comparison.
The worse Satan is, the more we need God. Hell was invented in order to force people to comply with religion, promising Heaven.
3. Pathological Altruism
Suicide and salvation from the world are intertwined. The world, being represented as Hell-lite, is a place we're told to escape, to reject, as it's one step away from Hell. Heaven is where we find our eternal security.
Death is presented as the precursor to judgment, with our conduct on Earth determining our final destination. As the choice is eternal, it only makes sense that the world is reduced to a temporary layover on the way to paradise. Why would one lose eternal Heaven for a fleeting world?
This world-rejection forms the basis for the religion. It is, quite literally, a religion of world-rejection.
God rejects the world. He damns it, in fact, which is strange considering he made it. The value of life is therefore diminished in the here and now as it is just a dim shadow of what is to come. Giving this life away and expressing how little one is attached to it is how the followers of Jesus practice their religion. This appears in the form of charity but also appears as self-denial, self-recrimination, and a guilty conscience.
What is pleasing to God is at odds with worldly attachments. The rich man can't get to Heaven any more than a Tesla roadster can drive through the eye of a needle, which is why Jesus is poor. Consider the case of Saint Francis, a rich man who gave away his wealth and ran away naked into the woods where he befriended the animals and spoke to the moon. Escapism, madness, and self-destruction are elevated here, whereas if he did the same thing for heroin instead of world-rejection for God, he would have been labeled a sinner.
4. Moral Cannibal
The supreme ritual of Jesus worship is celebrating the ritual consumption of his flesh and drinking his blood.
This ritual is a "holy" sacrament and a sacred act. So sacred that it's reenacted weekly and has been since it initially occurred. The host and the wine are imbibed in these group celebrations known as "masses."
What is the fundamental teaching here, if any?
SImple: the good person will sacrifice their own life for others. Although this sounds noble, perhaps in extreme circumstances even justifiable, is this a virtue to enshrine? Moreover, when Jesus died for you, did he ask your opinion on the matter? Did you choose to have his blood on your hands?
He bore the cross for you--again, so to appease his father. He was nailed to a cross for you. He suffered for three days for you. Then he went to Hell.
Jesus died a tragic and inexplicable death to calm God's wrath and stay his hand for future generations.
For us to exist, the religion teaches, Jesus had to be sacrificed. In other words, we are only alive because of Jesus' death. His loss, our gain. With this comes the guilt---survivors guilt--to always be held above the heads of those who never asked for the ancient human sacrifice in the first place.
5. Self-Denial
God promises Heaven while condemns the Earth. Even though he created the world, he hates it. Unless you clean yourself of the world and its evil influence, you cannot enter into God's presence.
This is why Jesus never formed adult relationships or enjoyed sin. He is typified as a master at denying the temptations of the flesh.
Jesus practically invented thought-policing with "as a man doth his thoughts, it is as though he committed the real sin."
6. Saviors
Seeking to save others is a sure sign of codependency. They empathize without boundaries, taking on the sins of the world.
While taking responsibility for solving others' problems may appear noble, it's a sign of unhealthy ego boundaries. Saving other people why sacrificing one's interests is moral cannibalism, even if the sacrificial lamb volunteers their flesh and blood.
The codependent believes that their help is needed and their sense of worth is attached to how much good they do for others. The idea of serving something bigger than oneself is not inherently good, especially if it requires negating the self in doing so. What's so noble about celibacy, fasting, and refusing healthy adult relationships with the opposite sex?
Rising above such difficult tasks takes superhuman resolve. Or more accurately, un-human. There is nothing superior in contradicting human nature. Humans reproduce. So why is non-reproduction a virtue? Why is pleasure redefined as sin? Meanwhile, misery is redefined as ennobling for this world-rejecting cult.
Proselytizing in the face of persecution and despite having doors slammed in their faces, the followers of Christ imitate his need to save a world not asking to be saved. Saved, of course, means conformed to Jesus' father's vision. Like a true codependent, Jesus doesn't have a paradise of his own; instead, he's just an extension of his father.
Codependents feel that the person in need cannot save themselves. This is what preachers do. They proffer advice to people they see as doomed, damned, fallen, and in need of salvation. Jesus, believing all the lies of his narcissistic father, truly believes in what he is preaching. He fears the torments of Hell and wants to spare people the worst.
A true believer is quite literally a savior. Every street preacher is also a savior. Imagine how saving a life might change your own. Well, delusional street preachers believer they are keeping people from their imagined horrors beyond the grave (Convenient since we can't exactly fact check them).
The Bible is a book of God's instructions for a better world. How can anyone with the goal of creating a better world be wrong?
Trying to please people so others will like or love the codependent. Codependents will go out of their way to please another person. They hope to receive love, approval, or be accepted and liked. If it is not given, the codependent will feel victimized.
It is better never to have known the Lord than to reject him. Thou shalt not this; thou shalt that, the bossy, controlling nature of Jesus is a sure sign of a codependent doing the world of his controller.
7. Playing the Martyr for Sympathy
Playing the martyr is cry-bullying behavior. Using the status of victim to bully or cajole others into obedience plays upon their sympathy for personal gain.
The insidious thing about martyrs is that for all their virtue, they exist at the expense of the designated scapegoat. Eliciting sympathy while spreading antipathy is not how those of pure heart and intention get their way.
Gaining sympathy for a cause is easy with atrocity propaganda. The mainstream media does it all the time. So the next time you see Jesus, dangling on the cross, bleeding from his hands, feet, brow, and torso, remember: he did that for you.
IF you accept his vicarious sacrifice, if you partake in the cannibal sacrifice, then you are now part of the vicious cycle of abuse. The abuser who consumes the flesh at the expense of a victim who no longer values his own life is still an abuser. God is a God of cannibals, vampires, and emotional manipulative control freaks.
8. Model Citizen
What are we to make of the model citizen who, having done everything right, nonetheless ends up dying in full view of his father?
Why should we emulate a man who lives not as a man but as a transcendent being, unattached to the world, preaching hate for the world to those still in and of it?
Is he not preaching self-abnegation and Selflessness because the love of self takes away from the love of God?
Making a virtue out of suffering and deprivation elevates the poor and the innocent victims of capricious evil. God's will justifies every war, every crime, every victim, and every natural disaster, as these are all a testament to the greatness of Heaven, which lacks such worldly afflictions.
Jesus as transcendent man preaches a path to salvation which ends up in a paradise which is itself a prison. There is freedom from worldly concerns, lusts, desires, and needs; but there is no freedom to do any of the worldly things people live for.
This freedom in slavery is a false version of liberation. While it is liberation from the bad of the world, it robs the captive of the capacity to act upon their free will.
True freedom and salvation would require negative liberty, which is freedom from external restraint on one's actions. Perhaps it really is better to "reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven?"
Paradise, utopia, Heaven-- is a singular vision that requires conformity to an external and unquestionable authority's standards. With the admission price to Heaven being self-sacrifice, what would be the point? Are you, as Jesus, an extension of a higher will? Or are you master of your own life?
What we should take from the story is that uniqueness is not possible to monopolize and every authoritarian wants to conform to everyone else to their unique vision.
Slam the door in the faces of the smiley-faced fascists selling a pie in the sky that doesn't exist and which you cannot afford.
Tim Ozman, Jesus Is a Codependent
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